Holiday Season of Giving, Thank You Orr Fellowship

Orr Fellowship Group Photo

‘Tis the season of giving and showing gratitude for the things that mean the most to us! This holiday season, Fellows reflected on the role Orr Fellowship has played in shaping their lives since college. “What has Orr Fellowship given you? What are you thankful for as it relates to Orr Fellowship?” Read below to hear insights from thankful Fellows.

Fellow Reflections

Amy Wyse, Class of 2023: “I’m thankful for the amazing community, network, and experiences Orr Fellowship has given me the past six months. Moving to a new city can be scary, but Orr Fellowship has made the transition to life post-grad seamless, and I’m very thankful for that! I’m also thankful for the smaller moments in Orr–the ones where you really connect with a new person or get invited to a cool event downtown–those are what make the fellowship!”

Annie Bowen, Class of 2022: “Orr Fellowship has given me a community that makes Indianapolis home. Orr Fellowship has brought me some of my favorite people, memories, and laughter. I am so incredibly grateful for the experiences and opportunities Orr Fellowship provides for our vibrant community!”

Ben Kompar, Class of 2023: “Orr Fellowship has changed my life. I am grateful for the community and learning experiences I have been provided. Perhaps more than anything else, I am grateful for the company I matched with.”

Brooke Evans, Class of 2022: “I am thankful for a great community full of kind and like-minded individuals!”

Brooke Furnish, Class of 2022: “Orr Fellowship has given me access to an amazing community of MakOrrs and DOrrs that inspire me every day! I’m thankful for Orr Fellows!”

Christian Martinez, Class of 2023: “Orr Fellowship has given me a wonderful community of amazing and intelligent people that I am proud to be a part of and a strong appreciation for the lovely city of Indianapolis. It also got me addicted to rock climbing at North Mass Boulder.”

Emily Gasparro, Class of 2022: “I am grateful for the community Orr Fellowship has given me over the past year and a half! I am so thankful to have a supportive group of individuals to lean on during the post-grad transition.”

Erika Marchant, Class of 2022: “I’m incredibly thankful for the work of our amazing management team in making Orr Fellowship[ programming and partner company experiences possible. I was continually in awe of their servant leadership throughout our recruitment season. Thank you, Steven Emch, Catherine Mazanek, and Ben Pfister!”

Jean-Marc Duong, Class of 2022: “Orr Fellowship has given me a community that I can always lean on! The memories that I’ve made in the program and the lessons that I’ve learned from my fellow Fellows are ones that I’ll remember for many years to come.”

Kendall Fahey, Class of 2022: “Orr Fellowship has given me a place to grow professionally and personally. I have found a group of young professionals who I can turn to with career questions, accountability, and support as we navigate this new chapter of life together!”

Lauren Kenny, Class of 2022: “Orr Fellowship has given me the opportunity to learn new skills outside of my college major, opening the door to career paths I might not have otherwise considered. I am thankful for the vibrant community of Fellows who consistently inspire me to embrace new challenges and push the boundaries of my professional growth.”

Lucas Bender, Class of 2022: “Orr Fellowship has given me access to a community of open-minded friends that push me to grow both personally and professionally. I’m thankful for the people that I’ve been able to grow with, working on projects that I would never have had access to without Orr and taking part in new experiences that I would have never been exposed to previously.”

Makenzie Carroll, Class of 2022: “Orr Fellowship has given me more than I could have ever imagined or asked for. Not only has Orr Fellowship given me endless resources and tools to grow my professional skill sets, but it has also provided numerous opportunities to grow personally. I wish I had more time in Orr so I could use more of the resources offered!”

Nathan Carnes, Class of 2022: “Orr Fellowship has gifted me an amazing roommate, Kendall Jordan, and closer relationships with those I didn’t know that well in college! Plus tons of new friends and professional relationships that I will cherish forever!”

Payton Hodson, Class of 2022: “I am grateful for the supportive community, diverse professional development opportunities, and leadership experience on the DEI Team that Orr Fellowship has given me this past year and a half! Orr Fellowship fostered a seamless transition between college and the working world, allowing me to challenge myself and grow personally and professionally amongst ambitious, talented peers.”

Sandy Sledge, Class of 2022: “I am thankful that Orr has given me an opportunity to find my passions and meet amazing peers in my transition after college!”

Sidney Hill-Kartel, Class of 2022: “I’m grateful for the lasting friendships Orr Fellowship has helped me build. Orr Fellowship has significantly smoothed out some of the post-grad road bumps and given me the tools, events, and connections to soar. I have stepped farther out of my comfort zone and grown in ways I previously couldn’t have imagined.”

Tatum Lynch, Class of 2022: “Orr Fellowship has profoundly reshaped my career trajectory in the most remarkable way possible. Without the fellowship, I wouldn’t have had the privilege of accessing so many influential circles within the city. I am so grateful for all the opportunities it has given me!”

Thank you Orr Fellowship for the tireless commitment to recruiting and developing the next generation of business leaders and entrepreneurs!